Kartika Manurung

General Manager for Development

Kartika Manurung is a researcher and trainer focused on Just Transition, decent work and sustainable environment for marginalised communities in agriculture, particularly women, migrant workers and indigenous people. She is pursuing a PhD at Universität Bonn on the organising strategies of Indonesia’s women movement, building on her experiences as a human rights defender, trade unionist, and MA (Labour Policy & Globalisation). She specialises in feminist participatory action research and capacity development.

Gabriel Berlovitz

General Manager for Labour

Gabriel Berlovitz is a researcher, trainer, and organizer, primarily focused on strategies to build labour organization, communications in the workplace and strategic corporate analysis. Currently, he is pursuing a Phd at the Georg-August-Universität-Gottingen that quantitatively and qualitatively compares U.S strike outcomes across different sectors. His research work is built on nearly ten years of practical experience as a labour organizer and researcher in the education, transport, healthcare, and technology industries. Gabriel specializes in communications, organizational development, and investigative research.

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