Kartika Manurung
General Manager for Development
Kartika Manurung is a researcher and trainer focused on Just Transition, decent work and sustainable environment for marginalised communities in agriculture, particularly women, migrant workers and indigenous people. She is pursuing a PhD at Universität Bonn on the organising strategies of Indonesia’s women movement, building on her experiences as a human rights defender, trade unionist, and MA (Labour Policy & Globalisation). She specialises in feminist participatory action research and capacity development.
Gabriel Berlovitz
General Manager for Labour
Gabriel Berlovitz is a researcher, trainer, and organizer, primarily focused on strategies to build labour organization, communications in the workplace and strategic corporate analysis. Currently, he is pursuing a Phd at the Georg-August-Universität-Gottingen that quantitatively and qualitatively compares U.S strike outcomes across different sectors. His research work is built on nearly ten years of practical experience as a labour organizer and researcher in the education, transport, healthcare, and technology industries. Gabriel specializes in communications, organizational development, and investigative research.
Hannah Heyenn
General Manager for Migration
Hannah Heyenn is a European project coordinator and trainer focused on inclusion and participation for newcomers and marginalised communities in Germany and beyond. She has 10 years experience designing and managing European projects. She specialises in participatory community action research and capacity development for adults and youth.
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